Olyseum Update — 03.06.2019

9 min readJun 3, 2019

Dear Olyseum community,

Interesting moments on the crypto space, with a pretty generalized consensus between the relevant analysts announcing the end of the bloody bear market that has strongly hit the industry since early 2018.

Edited: New smart contracts audit version available here.

Security audits ready!

During this month, Olyseum has achieved a new internal goal: we have completed the audit of all the relevant smart contracts that we will publish with the platform launch on Ethereum testnet, expected for this month.

To give you some context, in case you didn’t read our previous update:

The white-box security audit is being conducted by Coinspect, a well known third-party audit firm, who are the people behind famous audits and security works such as the Ethereum audit, the ZCash audit, the Augur audit or the bug discovering from the Ethereum startup Parity Technologies.

Smart contract source code audit, in detail

1. Executive Summary

In May 2019 Olyseum engaged ​Coinspect to perform a source code review of the OLY token smart contracts. ​The objective of the audit was to evaluate the security of the smart contracts. During the assessment, Coinspect identified the following issues:

No critical vulnerabilities were found, and all issues were taken care of.

  • The seven low risk issues didn’t pose an immediate threat, but general security was improved by addressing them.
  • The two medium risk issues could had led to unexpected behaviour and loss of funds, but they were addressed.
  • In the case of OLY-008, it was not considered a bug and Olyseum decided to address it by making clear in the contract source code what’s the expected behaviour of the contract.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to implement a battery of tests to exercise all contracts and verify their expected behaviour and functionality.
  • Finally, it is worth mentioning that the contracts are not fully autonomous, and rely on transactions by accounts controlled by Olyseum and whom the users must trust.

2. Introduction

The OLY token is an ERC20 compatible token with additional support for deferred transactions (messages that have been signed off-chain and authorize the execution of a transfer from the signer’s account).

The token also has upgradeability features via a proxy contract, and the bundle also includes other contracts that manage campaigns and funds in OLY tokens.

Coinspect was provided with a snapshot of the repository. The scope of the audit was limited to the following Solidity source files (shown here with their sha256 hash):

0a09375ad95a3dcfeb6f1c0228905c1c61118c6c7d6d88b6bf25401aba9d647e  Auction.sol0755a1f5c6bfde34fed678f0773f9d3e85b8a02f938696ac5072eb21108ccb88  CampaignFund.sol1febe43b444571599185f6aa74b181af76c2667f0c4772a90713fb19f505bf4b  CampaignRegistry.sol4df362a1b0d74cfe06ba76c1889a48991fd2c6d3def38af3e4269a03ac4d28d0  IERC20.solda1001059e166e9456c786425944e1fb0a78aae7478aa3db4dc48401ebefb855  MarketPlacePool.solfa75773246e5e001b78ac8b8261f6600ef92bb0b175e711a77372a3ba3d4ee0c  MerchantBudget.sol32b75ac2dd7f6f978a2a6aa3d0dc8983c211751e44ec134c6f9135fe0407f44d  Migrations.sol7923689e758b6ec8687c4d739e448ac52e0769e244fb0470cb99fa418ea524b6  MultiSigWallet.soldab3ad5a4f6368bfddc40b79c6bbe1b2759ec28d786fbd158f4a5da339609b32  OlyToken.solcb4c8e0cae901786771b09cf89acdad826a703a6075367eaf11fb1997b468e31  Ownable.sol3911a0c11ae5f6ee8e03760c2e104c497fb351131e31792f602a12a972a3a653  Proxy.solbc466218135b71e6b0a7f66e4a8c8d468cf1993ce8ccb88d32f2055421e8b4f2  SafeMath.sol

After a report draft was sent to Olyseum, the issues found during the assessment were addressed and in May 28th Olyseum provided Coinspect with updated contracts:

e703a384f773295cdee281ffb2d2683ea3aac65c9a77950498f31cc479d3b887  CampaignFund.solf0b43e3f940f98bedb50e8694bb2166956d661dc4ea1c5e17db838ddff2125d8  CampaignRegistry.sol697afc7d5864379c15a906cd2aba829159b6751c72c3b76568ec5f879453d7dd  IERC20.sol9ac0d42c59902a2030b323faf3eecc19bf693ed214c6ef9cf12eea16441a0f9a  MarketPlacePool.sol3cb5d682f2a96e438e6dd075b5930ad876976338fac7afaea2e6bf251f622533  MultiSigWallet.solabd950be0db0075414d2956f004c95fb7cbc1230fb188ecfc17a8b81c9e405aa  OlyToken.solceafeaa4ed106e73c60584e843b5907dc35820f18d48ae2c914401e490141a75  Ownable.sol854c5e97a0d8c0d6af309b5fd5b532dbe60d40e31c55852ca2345aeb32afe31c  Proxy.sol24f9811e83796943c4360f7ac12065076a4a2ad691da12a3faca0a5cf37e1e83  SafeMath.sol

All changes were verified by Coinspect and all issues were found to be correctly addressed following the report recommendations.

3. Summary of Findings

Low Risk:

  • OLY-001 — Outdated Solidity version
  • OLY-002 — Use view and pure instead of deprecated constant
  • OLY-003 — Constructors should use the constructor keyword
  • OLY-004 — Use emit keyword to emit events
  • OLY-005 — Mismatch between ERC-20 specification and OlyToken
  • OLY-006 — Superfluous empty contracts Auction and MerchantBudget
  • OLY-007 — Missing consistency checks in MarketPlacePool constructor

Medium Risk:

  • OLY-008 — Zeno’s Paradox in MarketPlacePool
  • OLY-009 — Inconsistencies in MarketPlacePool

All the findings are fixed and verified by Coinspect.

4. Findings


Currently, the contract code specifies with the ​pragma statement that it is meant to be built with a version of the Solidity compiler older than the latest production release. Newer versions have added additional warnings that can help to detect problems, solve bugs and enforce new rules to enhance security.

The latest Solidity release is 0.5.8, but the Solidity versions currently specified in the Olyseum contracts are:

Auction.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3; 
CampaignFund.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
CampaignRegistry.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
IERC20.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
MarketPlacePool.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
MerchantBudget.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
Migrations.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
MultiSigWallet.sol:pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
OlyToken.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
Ownable.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
Proxy.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.3;
SafeMath.sol:pragma solidity ^0.5.0;


Add the latest version to the pragma statement:

pragma solidity ​0.5.8​;

The notation used above allows for the use of versions between 0.5.8 and 0.6.0.


For more information on the use of the version pragma and how to handle the different versions accepted, see the following reference links: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/layout-of-source-files.html#version-pragma




The modifier ​constant for functions has been deprecated, and ​view or ​pure should be used instead.


Just replace ​constant with ​view or ​pure in any function definition that uses the ​constant modifier. Functions they don’t modify the state can be marked as ​view​, and functions that don’t read not modify the state can be marked as ​pure​.


For more information on the deprecation of the ​constant keyword for functions and the introduction of ​view​ and ​pure​, see: ​https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/992


In Solidity versions prior to 0.4.22 the constructor for a contract was a function with the same name as the contract:

contract Test {
address owner;
function Test() public { owner = msg.sender; }

But this was dangerous because sometimes the developers would rename a contract and forget to rename the constructor:

contract Bird {
address owner;
function Test() public { owner = msg.sender; }

Once the ​Bird contract is deployed, anyone could call the ​Test function and set the owner to his own address, and then call any restricted functions. This type of bug resulted in loss of funds in the real world, such as the case of Rubixi [1]. This is why it was deprecated in favor of the new ​constructor​ keyword:

contract Bird {
address owner;
constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }


Upgrade MultiSigWallet.sol to the latest version of Solidity (see OLY-001) and replace:

function MultiSigWallet​(address[] _owners, uint _required) public [...]

with the new-style constructor:

constructor​(address[] _owners, uint _required) public [...]


[1] Atzei N., Bartoletti M., Cimoli, T.: ​A Survey of Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts​, Oct, 2016.


Since version 0.4.21, Solidity uses the ​emit keyword for emitting events. This was done in order to make clear the difference between calling functions and emitting events. For example, in version previous to 0.4.21 one would emit a Transfer event like this:

Transfer(from, to, value);

While in newer versions of Solidity one must do:

emit​ Transfer(from, to, value);


Always use the ​emit​ keyword for emitting events.


Proposal: add `emit` keyword; make it the only way to emit events https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/2877


The ​OlyToken contract, which is intended to be ERC-20 compliant, defines the ​decimals public state variable to be ​uint256​. This declaration does not comply with the ERC-20 specification, which defines the ​decimals​ as a ​uint8​ variable.


Consider changing the ​decimals​ variable to u​int8​ to match the ​ERC20 specification​.


ERC20 specification ​https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md


The ​MerchantBudget contract, defined in ​MerchantBudget.sol​, is never used and it is empty:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import “./SafeMath.sol”;
contract MerchantBudget

Same with Auction.sol. These files seem to be a leftovers from development.


Remove the superfluous files ​Auction.sol​ and ​MerchantBudget.sol​.


The ​MarketPlacePool contract keeps a balance of tokens and allows periodic withdrawals of a given percentage. The percentage is initially set by the constructor:

constructor (address _olyTokenAddr, address _jury, uint _percentage, uint _period) public { 
olyToken = IERC20(_olyTokenAddr); ​
percentage = _percentage;
period = _period;
nextWithdraw = now.add(period);
emergency = false;
jury = _jury;

and can later be modified by calling the function ​changePercentage​:

function changePercentage(uint _percentage) public onlyJury returns (bool) { 
​require(_percentage < 101, "The percentage cannot be higher than 100");
percentage = _percentage;
return true;

Notice that the constructor is missing the check that is performed in function changePercentage.


Consider adding a check to the constructor to make sure the provided percentage doesn’t exceed 100. Also, consider checking that the percentage is not 0 in both the constructor and the function ​changePercentage​, since 0 percentage doesn’t make sense either (it allows periodic withdrawals of 0 tokens).


The ​MarketPlacePool contract keeps a balance of tokens and allows periodic withdrawals of a given percentage by calling the function ​periodicWithdraw​:

function periodicWithdraw() public onlyOwner returns (bool) {            
require(nextWithdraw < now, "The period of time isn't over yet");
uint256 time_delta = now.sub(nextWithdraw);
uint256 periods_until_next_withdraw = time_delta.div(period).add(1);
nextWithdraw = nextWithdraw.add(periods_until_next_withdraw.mul(period));
uint subtotal = Balance().mul(percentage).div(100);
require(olyToken.transfer(jury, subtotal), "Token transfer failed.");
return true; }

Each time this function is called, the balance is decreased by a percentage. This means that, unless the percentage is 100, the balance will never reach 0.

For example, if the balance is 1000 and the percentage is set to 20, the balance will not be 0 after 5 withdrawals. This is what the balance would look after 10 periodic withdrawals:

In fact, in order to get the balance below 1 in this example it would take 31 periods (and 31 withdrawals), not 5 as a naive reading of the code would suggest. The problem exacerbates with smaller percentages (for 5 percent it would require 135 periods to get the balance below 1). And in any case, the balance would never reach 0 (except once it reaches the precision limit of 256 bits, that would take a long time).


Consider reimplementing the withdrawal logic in order to avoid Zeno’s paradox.


The contract ​MarketPlacePool​ keeps a balance of tokens and allows periodic withdrawals of a given percentage by calling the function ​periodicWithdraw​:

function periodicWithdraw() public ​onlyOwner​ returns (bool) { 
require(nextWithdraw < now, "The period of time isn't over yet");
uint256 time_delta = now.sub(nextWithdraw);
uint256 periods_until_next_withdraw = time_delta.div(period).add(1);
nextWithdraw = nextWithdraw.add(periods_until_next_withdraw.mul(period));
uint subtotal = Balance().mul(percentage).div(100);
require(olyToken.transfer(​jury​, subtotal), "Token transfer failed.");
return true; }

The percentage that is transferred in each periodic withdrawal can be set by the ​jury​ by calling ​changePercentage​:

function changePercentage(uint _percentage) public ​onlyJury returns (bool) { 
require(_percentage < 101, "The percentage cannot be higher than 100");
percentage = _percentage; return true;

The contract ​MarketPlacePool​ also allows “emergency withdrawals” by calling the function emergencyWithdraw​, provided that the ​jury​ allowed it by first calling the function allowEmergencyWithdraw​:

function allowEmergencyWithdraw() public ​onlyJury​ returns (bool) { 
emergency = true;
return true;
function emergencyWithdraw() public ​onlyOwner​ returns (bool) {
require(emergency, "It's not an emergency");
emergency = false; require(olyToken.transfer(​owner​, Balance()), "Token transfer failed.");
return true;

Notice that the function ​periodicWithdrawal​ transfers funds to the ​jury​, while emergencyWithdraw​ transfers funds to the ​owner​ (which is the sender too, since the function is ​onlyOwner​). This is inconsistent. Since the ​jury​ can set the percentage to be sent in the periodic withdrawals (​changePercentage​ is ​onlyJury​) and cannot perform periodic withdrawals himself (​periodicWithdraw​ is ​onlyOwner)​, it doesn’t make sense for the ​jury​ to be the recipient of the transfers in ​periodicWithdraw​.


Change the recipient of the transfers in ​periodicWithdraw to ​owner​, or reconsider the role of the ​jury​ and the permissions logic in the contract ​MarketPlacePool​.

5. Disclaimer

The present security audit is limited to smart contract code. It does not cover the technologies and designs related to these smart contracts, nor the frameworks and wallets that communicate with the contracts, nor the general operational security of the company whose contracts have been audited. This document should not be read as investment advice or an offering of tokens.

I’m going with part of the team to Asia for a quick trip of challenging meetings, prior to our public launch. Thanks for your support! As always, my team and I are at your disposal for any questions or participation proposals in any of the areas of the project.

Until next update!

Carlos Grenoir, CEO of Olyseum.




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